Events Calendar
Club Members only - Croxley Circuit.
Sunday 20th January.
Meet at 09:15 for a prompt ride start at 09:30.
Club members only ride kindly organised and led by club member Martin Jeffrey.
Riding between the Gade, the Chess and the Colne river valleys at the very Southern top of the Chilterns. Approx 20 miles with a good mixture of trails.
Meet at Whippendell Woods car park, about halfway down Grove Mill Lane WD17 3TT. Postcode is for the houses at the beginning of the lane off the A41. Car Park is about 1km further on the left (marked as Whippendell Woods - Scouts on Google Maps).
Helmets mandatory, no helmet no ride.
You are responsible to ensure your bike is of adequate working condition to deal with off-road riding, and it must be presented for the ride in suitable working condition with suitable off-road tyres and working brakes.
Ride is open to official subscribed club members only.