Upcoming Rides

Events Calendar

Annual General Meeting & Social Dinner
Monday 12 February 2024, 18:45 - 23:00
Hits : 2628
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and optional social dinner.

Our AGM is where the Club Committee and Club Members meet to vote and agree on changes and direction for the Club in the coming seaon(s).

Location and timings:

The AGM will be held at Regent House Business Centre office space in central Aylesbury (13-15 George Street, Aylesbury, HP20 2HU). Please arrive at 18:45 for a prompt meeting start at 19:00. The meeting will finish promptly at 20:30.

The social dinner is less than a minute walk away and will be held from 20:30 at Desire Indian Restaurant (40 Kingsbury, Aylesbury, HP20 2JE).  The menu is avaialble online here.

There are numerous car parks around Aylesbury but Coopers Yard (34 Buckingham St, Aylesbury HP20 2GH) is the closest, pay and display charges do apply.

The meeting room is a 8 minute walk from Aylesbury Train Station and a 5 minute walk from Aylesbury bus station.


Location Aylesbury
This event is only viewable to current, subscribed and logged in Club Members. To attend this ride as a visitor to try out the club before joining, please contact the ride host.

Senior membership is available for all adults over 18 years of age.

Junior membership is available to all riders under the age of 18 years of age. 

Family membership covers a family of up to 4 persons. The package is based on 2 adults and 2 children (under 18) who all live at the same address.


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