Events Calendar
Ashley Green to Hastoe - 16 miles - Club Members Ride
Thursday 04 January 2024, 18:00 - 20:30
Hits : 2543
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A circular route starting from Ashley Green, leading to Bellingdon, Ballinger, Hale Woods, Hastoe and back via Hawridge. Quite hilly, lots of woodland trails with linking back lanes.
Please note: The cut off time to register is 11pm the night before (Wednesday), if no one signs on I'll be riding with Tracy from 3pm.
GPX download available from the track list.
Meal at The Kings Charles Pub
Helmets mandatory, no helmet no ride.
Free parking with no height restriction.
Location Ashley Green Memorial Hall HP5 3RB