Upcoming Rides

Events Calendar

Club Members at Bike Park Wales
From Saturday 24 June 2023 -  08:00
To Sunday 25 June 2023 - 17:00
Hits : 3295
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact John Siden 07764 269333

This event page is for Club Members who are interested in getting together (current attendees are John (07764 269333), Ed (07980 684xxx), Julian (07534 165xxx), Chris (07914 758xxx) to visit downhill Bike Park Wales https://www.bikeparkwales.com.

There are fees to ride BPW, all found on the link above, with a Uplift (bike van) Weekend Day pass costing £50.

This is a Mandatory Helmet ride, with advise to wear elbow and knee pads, and ideally a full face helmet, all can be hired at the venue, as per the above link.

The members are attending BPW on the 24th June'23, and also plan to ride the Brecon Beacons Slab on the 25th June'23.

If you are interested please reach out to the above contacts using WhatsApp, or if you don't use WhatsApp please text John on the number provided above.

Location Gethin Woodland Centre, Abercanaid, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1YZ

Senior membership is available for all adults over 18 years of age.

Junior membership is available to all riders under the age of 18 years of age. 

Family membership covers a family of up to 4 persons. The package is based on 2 adults and 2 children (under 18) who all live at the same address.


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