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Events Calendar

Club Annual General Meeting & Social Dinner
Tuesday 28 February 2023, 19:00 - 23:00
Hits : 3858
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Club Annual General Meeting.

The meeting and social dinner are both open to all club members, you may attend for the meeting or the dinner, or both!

The AGM will start promptly at 19:00 and will follow the agenda sent out to all staff and members, time will be kept spare at the end of the meeting for any new business, questions or discussions.

The meeting will be held in the conference room at the King's Head Aylesbury located in the main market square in Aylesbury. Kings Head Passage, The King's Head, Market Square, Aylesbury HP20 2RW 

The social dinner will be held at Desire Indian Restaurant in Aylesbury Town Centre. Desire, 40 Kingsbury, Aylesbury HP20 2JE.

The meeting room and restaurant are a 30 second walk from one another.

The recommend car park is Buckingham Street Short Stay Car Park, Cooper's Yard, Aylesbury HP20 2GH. This car park is only a two minute walk from both venues. Please note pay and display evening charges do apply.

Location Aylesbury Town Centre

Senior membership is available for all adults over 18 years of age.

Junior membership is available to all riders under the age of 18 years of age. 

Family membership covers a family of up to 4 persons. The package is based on 2 adults and 2 children (under 18) who all live at the same address.


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